Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ring Around the Collar

Cereal Commercial for Fiber One is an example of one’s willingness to act on the advice given. The commercial plays out with a little girl walking down the cereal ail. As she’s walking she’s looking at the different flavors of Fiber one. As she’s saying the different flavors out loud she gets to her mom’s favorite flavor and repeats what her mom said about Fiber One and wishes she could have some, “But she says its taste too good to have fiber”. Then an employee over hears the little girl and tells her that Fiber One is really high in fiber. As the girl approaches the employee she asks him if it’s a lie. He replays no, but the little girl doesn’t believe him. The employee and the little girl begin arguing back and forth. Another employee over hears the conversation and comes over and interrupts them. He explains to the little girl that Fiber One has a third of a day’s worth fiber, and makes a statement that if he was a liar that his pants would be on fire. The girl agrees that it was a good point made so she grabs the box out of the employees’ hand. At a distance you see the little girl’s mother also takes the advice and starts eating the cereal.

 YouTube Link: Fiber One Ceral Commercial

DECONSTRUCTING AN ADVERTISEMENT: Does Your Husband Look Younger Than You Do?

In a 1950s Cosmetic ad, by Dorothy Gray Salon titled, “Does Your Husband Look Younger than You Do?” describes five adjectives about the ad: jealousy, ashamed, abandoned, helpless, and scared. In this black and white ad a white women is shown looking behind her shoulders with her hands on her mouth. Behind her is a couple who seem to be happy, dressed in elegant clothing and enjoying each other’s company. The lonely women’s face is enlarged and prominent in the ad to show her feelings towards aging is a huge issue for her. Her facial expressions show that she’s sad and jealous that she doesn’t look younger than her husband. It’s as if she thinks if she was to look younger than her marriage would be happier. The cameras angle is at eye-level and a full face shot. The couple behind the women appears smaller because the view is from the corner of her eyes, and is angled slightly higher than the women. In addition the camera is angled over the shoulder to represent the taught behind an aging women’s mind of wanting to appear younger. The lighting used in this 1951 ad is artificial. To highlight the younger looking women in the back to stand out and for the women who feels older in the front as dimmed. The purpose of the highlighting is to make the women in the back superior over the aging women.
At the bottom of the ad, a couple of paragraph explains a solution to look younger than your husband. The solution is to buy and apply Cellogen Crème to the skin than the appearance of aging will disappear. The products being sold are Cellogen Cream, Cellogen Lotion, and Hormone Hand Cream. Not only products for your face but also for your elbow, neck, and hands. In result, you will experience a happier life and a happy marriage. Even has a paragraph with a scientific explanation about why the products work. Adding the scientific explanation in the ad is a winner, it adds trust and comfort into the product. All of the text in the ad is black and in the same font. However, a few key words and sentence are in bold in the beginning and in the middle to grab attention and keep readers still interested in the advertisement. The audiences targeted for this product are older adults who are in a marriage. The Creams and Lotion would seem appealing for those women who are aging and wanting to look younger. Above all the ad is trying to associate the emotion of aging with its products. It’s the same type of emotion that comes when the body is changing towards the worst. Especially in women, ads that speak upon looks are something women have a tendency to want to explore into bettering ones self-image. Certainty, this tactic of using a sensitive issue for many women did work.
Assumptions in the ad are made about women who look younger have a happier marriage or even a husband. Men prefer younger women, and if you don’t get rid of those wrinkles then you will lose your husband. First, the comparison of the looks of a women and her husband doesn’t justify a happy marriage. In a marriage there are other realistic elements a women has to exceed in not only on her looks. If the ad had a comparison of a woman to other women is in fact realistic. Indeed a competition that isn’t deniable. Secondly, wrinkles are not going to determine if you have a husband or not. Lastly, the assumption about men preferring younger women is realistic. The long term consequences of the ad , is thinking a women’s duty is to try and stay young, make sure she has to stay pretty in order to satisfy a man. I don’t feel this add is socially responsible because they are trying to sell the product and a way for them to make money is to make up assumptions and end it with a solution. But advertisers are oblivious of the messages they are sending, do in fact stick and form the minds of people.
In the closing comments of the video Killing Us Softly 3, Jean Kilbourne states that change will depend upon “an aware, active, educated public that thinks for itself primarily as citizens rather than primarily as consumers.” To think as a citizen is to have an identity for both being and doing. To be a consumer is to feed on goods and services. For instance, changing your looks to satisfying someone else is a lose-win situation. And the need to use beauty in order to feel noticed. Besides for the public to shift over to primarily as citizens, the public needs more self-control instead of giving in to advertisement. Especially, if an ad determines your unhappy marriage is caused by the wrinkles on your face.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Killing Us Softly

Advertising is accused of stereotyping, using sex to sell, materialism, and child pornography. Furthermore, it has been the reason for the downfall of our social system. While this may be true, however advertisers don’t have a responsibility on society because it is a business. At the same time whose only agenda is to persuade the audience to buy certain products. On the other hand, advertising has an impact on society. Therefore, should take their tactic in persuading the audience into consideration and use common sense. Women are not objects, nor need to use her sexuality to get what she wants. Women of color are not wild animals and not all men are violent. Advertisers use tools like the internet, television and magazines, to help spread the information every day. The minds of people are being formed mentality and lifestyles are changed. For example, an ad in a teen magazine for jeans shows a young woman wearing the new jeans. In the picture, she is walking down the street and, a couple of men smile and try to touch her; mesmerized as they follow her. Her “perfect” body shape is to die for. So, when a young girl picks up that magazine, and see’s the women using her sexuality to get what she wants, that young girl is being shaped mentally to think she needs buy the jeans and lose weight in order for men to like her. Likewise, mens Axe body spray shows a young man spraying it on, and attractive women find him irresistible. Convincing young men and mainly targeting teens, that if you buy Axe spray then you will become a chick magnet because women love the smell. Even though, advertising has the power to change people it sure has abused it by using people’s problems (for example weight) and portraying a ridiculous solution. As humans, we can’t help that we are drawn to certain ads because emotional information has a way of sticking through are perceptual fields.
Advertising even has the power to even make people think a certain way about another race. In particular, women of color are dressed like animals and exotic creators in advertising. The effects it has on the way others view girls and women of color, is thinking they are animals. The effects it may have on girls and women of color wanting to be normal and beautiful. For this reason, women of color are socialized into thinking that they have to appear white, otherwise they are not beautiful. For instance, hair in the African American community has always been personal issue to thrive to have good hair. African American women are associated with unmanageable, unhealthy hair that no one wants. Explains why there hairs are hardly ever used in adverting hair products. However, if African American women are used in hair ads it typically isn’t her hair and is a hair color commercial. Advertisers use African American women, who in some way resemble a white woman to persuade other African American women to buy their products. Thus, ads that show woman with long rich hair are associated with middle class, while, short fizzle hair is associated with African American women that are less fortunate. Therefore, women of color are being shown to be inferior to white women instead as equal and advertising helps keep that taught alive.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Research Paper: Topic and Sources

For my research paper I choose to write about if ATMs are an expensive habit? Before the invention of ATM’s people visited banks to do their banking. It was common to see long lines of people standing outside in the morning waiting for it to open. Now with the invention of Automated Teller Machines, ATMs have decreed the wait at the banks and allowed people to make transactions fast. In addition, allowing anyone to perform almost every transaction that you can inside of the bank. In the article, “World Automated Teller Machines Market 2010” authors, Frost and Sullivan expressed, “The ATM has revolutionized the customers' banking experience, in particular, the transactions in which they withdraw cash from their accounts.” Customers can view their accounts from any ATM. However, there probably always going to be human tellers, but ATMs have provided a certain amount of convenience designed to accommodate customers.
With the continuous access to your money threw a debit or credit card is making it easy for people to over spend. ATMs are everywhere, there are at malls, in grocery stores, and even in front of bookstores. In the article, “Are there too many ATMs?” by Bob Sullivan, author Sullivan states, “If it seems like there are neon ATM cash machine signs everywhere, well, there are. In fact, there's 370,000 automated teller machines across the United States right now, about 1 for every 296 people.” Anyplace you visit in the distance stands on ATM machine. No wonder bank customers are becoming addicted to instant cash through ATMs.
ATMs provide conveniences, and convenience almost always has a price tag. For instead, using an ATM that convenient but doesn’t belong to your bank, will accumulate into fees that drain your account dry. In fact, it’s a common story, everybody knows someone that is stuck in credit card debit or who always have that urge to spend money. In the article “Money Machines” author Ellen Florian states, “Clearly we love the feel of cold hard cash in our hands as much as plastic. So much so that we're willing to pay for those quickie stops at the ATM with often usurious fees--usually about $1.50 each time we grudgingly press the "I Accept" button on a cash machine outside our bank's network.” Now that anyone can get money by a press of a button, it bought on impulse instead of planning every purchase ahead of time.
The ATM also provided new ways for scam artists to commit fraud. Some scam artists have attached skimmers to ATMS. This is a device which can steal a debit card user's information when they insert their card. Other ways fraud can be committed is identify theft. Where someone steals you identify and have the banks send credit cards to the scam artists’ address or even put a gun to someone’s head and demand money as they are using an ATM. In the article “Can you trust that latent hunk of cash-dispensing steel?” author Phil Patton explains, “Experts naturally believe that the answer to ATM abuse lies in more and more sophisticated encryption devices (some have offered fingerprint readers or retinal scanners as suggested identification technology). The PIN system has an advantage of keeping the "key" to an account in two parts - half in hardware, half in wetware. Any system that relies on a single device, however cleverly encrypted, is a less secure system.” In result of fraud, the victim falls into a finical hole. It make sense, every time you swipe, enter or push a card into an ATM your chances for a scam artist to find your personal information increases.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The First Technology

Does the story of the iPhone show man to be determined by his technical achievements, in thrall to the phone, coerced by the phone? Or does it show him capable of using technology to his own, to human ends, and of being the master of the tools of his own devising?"
     The use of iPhone’s only benefits someone whose achievements are surrounding with the use of technology. For example, iPhone usage for a business person is ideal because of the ability to store, view documents fast during a meeting, or keep track multiple dates. Therefore, being depended on technology helps one succeed in whatever achievements are being accomplish. On the other hand, for someone who is much younger and in school would be distracted by the apps, communication networks, and games, instead of completing his or her homework. The real story about owning an iPhones is that puts a lot of people in debit with its sky rocket pricing. iPhones makes people way too dependent to their phones, by providing easy to use resources and hundreds of answers available. Therefore, the treatment given to their iPhones is much better than how they treat others. In fact it shows people being capable of using technology on their own but it does not capable of letting people think for themselves. Granted that, they will master the tools of the phone by forming one’s own design but who’s really in control?

     Social changes that have come to pass are computerized personal welcoming’s when calling businesses. Before talking to an operator a computerized person greats and ask the caller a question to direct you to the right operator. Another social change is the use of Twitter to track and follow your friends. Every place there at to where they’re going to in a few hours, twitter replaces the use of asking someone what their plans are. I imagine the recent technological innovation like webcams and robot will replace the face to face check-in at the doctor’s office. For instant, some doctors who travel on a business trip leave their offices for about a month. In some doctors’ offices the use of webcams on a robot allows them to still see, interact, follow up with their patients when they are away in another country. I feel the face to face conversation with your doctors will come to pass.

     For myself and the use of technology I could say I’m comfortable with it. I use technology every day to talk with someone, check mail, or turn in my homework. I even mastered the trick of texting without looking down on my phone. Technology helps me get threw my day, without it I would feel overwhelmed with all the manual work. However, I like taking a break from cellphones, laptops, etc. I don’t do it often but it has been done before.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Great American Vacation Destinations

The tourists in the movie are enjoying their visit and the crowds seem calm, happy and enjoyable. On the streets, you can see people playing instruments while the tourists interact by dancing and laughing. When I visited Disneyland, my experience was not the same as the tourists. I felt as my experience was much faster, loud and I was in a rush to see everything. I did not see anyone one the corner signing to tourists but instead people approached the musicians. Even though I had a great time when I was in Disneyland, the streets where so crowded that, I found myself lost and missing a lot of building a couple of times. Main Street has not changed a lot as much since 1959 but rather the tourists shaped Main Street as we see it today. How other people act, impact your vacation. At Disneyland, you find yourself standing in lines more often. It’s a well-known place, which attracts many people. When on vacation at Disneyland, one’s aggressive behavior can come out in order to satisfy there vacation. It is true that new rides and buildings where added since 1959 but Disneyland for the most part stayed the same.

America At Leisure (American Memory Project)

Princeton and Yale football game

College football is still an excitement for many sports fan. Rounding up about a million die hard fans, football is still a tradition. Watching young men one day catching the game winning touchdown and the next day turning to NFL stars has not changed. However, what has changed in college football is the ego of the players. Sad to say is getting to their head and the games are starting to become boring. Players are becoming too focused on their image, and not just playing for the love of the game. Everything is in high definition and close up of players reaction takes focused off the game being played. Also, ex-football players spend hours before a game, conversing about whom they predict is going to win. As a result, football has changed into a career, rather than an extra-curricular activity.

Claremont Theater, N.Y.

Theaters like the Claremont use to be a community involvement. Everyone came out to watch a movie to enjoy. It has changed now to a family activity also becomes a place friends came to meet. People in someone’s personal circle enjoyed the theaters with them. In addition, multiple movies are played in separate rooms by far different from old theaters. It is offering a variety of movies to choose. Theaters have changed dramatically but still an asset to American culture. Experiences at the theaters can bring out different behaviors of someone depending on the film. For example, certain films can touch a person resulting them to cry, or comedy films makes a person laugh and have a good time.

"Why We Travel"

     To get away from normal, stressful daily routines I travel. Lying down in the sun with my legs elevated sounds relaxing but also experiencing something new relaxes me. I enjoy the rush I get when I touch down off the plane. Traveling lets me be in charge; no one tells me what to do. Even though local traveling (in the U.S.) is wonderful, international traveling is a completely different travel experience. The most unexpected thing I have seen while traveling is when I was twelfth years old, and my plane to Africa made an unexpected emergency landing in London. At the time, everyone on the plane was confused, because no one was informing us what was going on. So instead, they told everyone on the plane that the next plane available will be the next day. So me and my family stayed in a hotel nearby. My brothers and I did not want to stay inside the room, so my father took us all outside. The only person who has been to London was my father so he knew where he was going. We roamed the streets of London and seen big buildings, weird shape buss's also ate some tasty food. Only being in London for less than twenty-four hours, I still experience a new lifestyle and I did not want to leave. I loved what London had to offer, it reminded me of America, but no one knew who I was or where I came from so I was never bothered.
     Anonymity while traveling can be important, and sometimes it cannot. Depending on how comfortable a person might be traveling, anonymity can be significant for people that are more open-minded. Not knowing what a place has in store gives an exciting outcome to an traveling experience. However, unacknowledged can lead to an awful experience. Some places can be something they were not looking for, catching one off guard. The reason for traveling is an experience it selves. Rather being alone or with company of others, traveling is use to find your selves or bond with other.