Sunday, April 4, 2010

Great American Vacation Destinations

The tourists in the movie are enjoying their visit and the crowds seem calm, happy and enjoyable. On the streets, you can see people playing instruments while the tourists interact by dancing and laughing. When I visited Disneyland, my experience was not the same as the tourists. I felt as my experience was much faster, loud and I was in a rush to see everything. I did not see anyone one the corner signing to tourists but instead people approached the musicians. Even though I had a great time when I was in Disneyland, the streets where so crowded that, I found myself lost and missing a lot of building a couple of times. Main Street has not changed a lot as much since 1959 but rather the tourists shaped Main Street as we see it today. How other people act, impact your vacation. At Disneyland, you find yourself standing in lines more often. It’s a well-known place, which attracts many people. When on vacation at Disneyland, one’s aggressive behavior can come out in order to satisfy there vacation. It is true that new rides and buildings where added since 1959 but Disneyland for the most part stayed the same.

America At Leisure (American Memory Project)

Princeton and Yale football game

College football is still an excitement for many sports fan. Rounding up about a million die hard fans, football is still a tradition. Watching young men one day catching the game winning touchdown and the next day turning to NFL stars has not changed. However, what has changed in college football is the ego of the players. Sad to say is getting to their head and the games are starting to become boring. Players are becoming too focused on their image, and not just playing for the love of the game. Everything is in high definition and close up of players reaction takes focused off the game being played. Also, ex-football players spend hours before a game, conversing about whom they predict is going to win. As a result, football has changed into a career, rather than an extra-curricular activity.

Claremont Theater, N.Y.

Theaters like the Claremont use to be a community involvement. Everyone came out to watch a movie to enjoy. It has changed now to a family activity also becomes a place friends came to meet. People in someone’s personal circle enjoyed the theaters with them. In addition, multiple movies are played in separate rooms by far different from old theaters. It is offering a variety of movies to choose. Theaters have changed dramatically but still an asset to American culture. Experiences at the theaters can bring out different behaviors of someone depending on the film. For example, certain films can touch a person resulting them to cry, or comedy films makes a person laugh and have a good time.

"Why We Travel"

     To get away from normal, stressful daily routines I travel. Lying down in the sun with my legs elevated sounds relaxing but also experiencing something new relaxes me. I enjoy the rush I get when I touch down off the plane. Traveling lets me be in charge; no one tells me what to do. Even though local traveling (in the U.S.) is wonderful, international traveling is a completely different travel experience. The most unexpected thing I have seen while traveling is when I was twelfth years old, and my plane to Africa made an unexpected emergency landing in London. At the time, everyone on the plane was confused, because no one was informing us what was going on. So instead, they told everyone on the plane that the next plane available will be the next day. So me and my family stayed in a hotel nearby. My brothers and I did not want to stay inside the room, so my father took us all outside. The only person who has been to London was my father so he knew where he was going. We roamed the streets of London and seen big buildings, weird shape buss's also ate some tasty food. Only being in London for less than twenty-four hours, I still experience a new lifestyle and I did not want to leave. I loved what London had to offer, it reminded me of America, but no one knew who I was or where I came from so I was never bothered.
     Anonymity while traveling can be important, and sometimes it cannot. Depending on how comfortable a person might be traveling, anonymity can be significant for people that are more open-minded. Not knowing what a place has in store gives an exciting outcome to an traveling experience. However, unacknowledged can lead to an awful experience. Some places can be something they were not looking for, catching one off guard. The reason for traveling is an experience it selves. Rather being alone or with company of others, traveling is use to find your selves or bond with other.